Sunny SleeveZ goes to the Grammys!

Who is more conscious of their looks than celebrities? Even rock stars want to stay lookingyoung and gorgeous for as long as possible. That’s why Sunny Sleevez, 50+ UPF, Sun protection sleeves have been chosen for the Luxury SWAG Bags presented to many of the music industry’s biggest celebrities.

Nothing is more aging than sun damage. While a case can be made for growing old (dis)gracefully, wrinkles,  age spots & skin cancer just aren’t sexy

This weekend  Grammy presenters and nominees, were greeted by a swanky gift bag in  their hotel rooms packed with fabulous goodies from Hollywood Baskets, the premier LA gifting service used by the movie studios and stars themselves.

Want instant, chemical-free sun protection like a ROCK STAR? check out

sunny sleevez, sun sleeve with butterfly tattoo design

sunny sleevez, sun sleeve with butterfly tattoo design

We will be giving away 1 pair of white 50 UPF Sun  sleeves chosen at random on February 18th, enter to win

Note your entries in the comments below.
Recipients included: Winners Rihanna & Arcade Fire, as well as nominee Florence (of the Machine). Also gifted were presenters Paris Hilton, Snookie, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Glee Faves: Lea Michelle, Dianna Agron, Jenna Ushkowitz.

Watch out to see if you spot Keri Hilson, Nicki Minaj, Drake, Adam Levine of Maroon 5 & “Extra” host Mario Lopez  covering their arms with Sunny SleeveZ this summer!

About sunnysleevez

I'm a freckly red head, originally from London now living in LA with 2 pale children. Frankly with our coloring we have no business being such an outdoorsy family and living in southern California. I grew up in a time when factor 8 sun milk was considered the best protection available to combat the hot rays of a holiday in southern Spain, that lead to 3rd degree burns and the rest of the vacation spent in the shade of our apartment. As a family we love to be outside, going to the beach, camping, swimming & hiking. We can't completely avoid the sun (nor should we) but taking sensible measures to avoid unnecessary UV damage is a priority. How do we do that? By staying in the shade in the middle of the day, wearing sun protective clothing (that's why I created Sunny Sleevez), a broad brimmed hat, UV rated sunglasses, using chemical-free broad spectrum sun screen on exposed areas & eating a healthy diet with as few chemicals as possible & lots of antioxidants.
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52 Responses to Sunny SleeveZ goes to the Grammys!

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Sunny SleeveZ goes to the Grammys! | Sunny Sleevez --

  2. Jane Dalton says:

    these look fantastic!! what a great idea…no more sticky messy suncream!!

  3. my3rascals says:

    Wow! This could be the start of something big! What a great idea, especially for those who don’t like the chemicals in sun creams, and also no ongoing cost!! You know that moment when it is summer and you have the first hot sunny day? And you realise you haven’t got sun cream or it has all dried out!?? And I have one child who hates having cream put on. Problem solved!

  4. Leisa says:

    Wow – what an amazing idea. I’ll certainly be checking out the website and getting some for my boys as well as my baby niece. Thanks.

  5. milo johnston says:

    i follow you on fb
    laneand miloannjohnston

  6. milo johnston says:

    I follow you on twitter

  7. Rachel B says:

    I like Sunny SleeveZ on FB as Schkinner Saves

    Very cool idea! Glad I found you!

  8. Kelly D says:

    I follow you on FB(kelly D)

  9. Kelly D says:

    I follow you on twitter(kellywcu)

  10. Kelly D says:

    Tweeted giveaway

  11. Hi! CheapSingleChic tweeted about your giveaway. How nifty!

  12. lafittelady says:

    Twitter follower @Lisa_Blogs
    lafittelady at gmail dot com

  13. Jennica Patterson says:

    I like you on Facebook!

  14. Jennica Patterson says:

    I follow you on Twitter! (Jenka1986)

  15. Tabitha says:

    Looks cute. Like sunny sleevez on fb

  16. britt says:

    follow you on facebook (britt hatch)

  17. thepricklypinecone says:

    I like you on FB.

  18. Mandy Agnello says:

    I like you on facebook

  19. Mandy Agnello says:

    i follow you on twitter

  20. Amanda T says:

    I like you on Facebook as Amanda Tomlinson


  21. Amanda T says:

    Following you on Twitter @Smile7891


  22. Tawnya S says:

    I am a FB fan!
    Tawnya S

  23. Tawnya S says:

    I follow on twitter!

  24. Mar says:

    I follow you on twitter @toesthattwink

  25. Jenna Z says:

    Wow, those would be SO AWESOME for my AM runs!

  26. Jenna Z says:

    I follow you on twitter (corgipants)

  27. Diana Bradford Hatch says:

    I like Sunny Sleevez on FB

  28. Tiffiny Duke says:

    Follow on Twitter,!/tiffduke

  29. Tiffiny Duke says:

    Tweeted giveaway on Twitter!!/tiffduke

  30. Tiffiny Duke says:

    Liked on Facebook! Tiffiny Berry Duke

  31. Beckee says:

    Follow on Twitter @beckee13

  32. Leah Walker says:

    Like you on FB.


    Leah W.

  33. Leah Walker says:

    Follow you on twitter.


  34. Dana White says:

    I signed up for the newsletter! Thanks for the cool giveaway!!

  35. Dana White says:

    I like you on FB!

  36. Leah Walker says:

    Subscribed to your newsletter with a reader.

    My Yahoo


  37. fallcorn1936 says:

    Good Blog. I like healthy things…

  38. Hi! Sounds like you have a good product. I’m curious how long you’ve been selling them?? Sounds like your doing good w/them considering they have been offered to celebrities. Good Job! I’m curious b/c we have a sleeping bag website and are just starting out.
    Also, I can relate to being a red-head & being sunburned as a kid. I now think -since I have a kid- why didn’t my mom protect me better from the sun. I remember being FRIED! We used to live in Florida and go to the beach all the time. I too try to better protect my daughter.

    • sunnysleevez says:

      Hiya, I know we all got fried didn’t we. When I was little we only had spf 8 that wasn’t at all water proof.
      We didnt’ know to put it on before going out or to keep reapplying.
      so many holidays in spain were spent inside after a horrible sunburn on the first day!

      This is our 4th year selling Sunny Sleevez, good luck with your sleeping bags

  39. Okay, I’ll admit it…I’d just like a cool SWAG BAG like this with goodies only the stars seem to get! It’s going on to my “bucket list” right now…I may be dying, but darn it, I really don’t want to do it with a case of the uglies. (See, I want swag AND I want to keep my sense of humor through this!). Seriously though, I do love your stuff. Thanks for marketing it to me through the blog. I enjoyed taking a look at your goodies…

  40. Sunny Sleevez — I love it! We’re all tennis players, and we need the protection. And thanks for following us!

  41. What an awesome idea!! I love it…

  42. infinine says:

    Ask the universe and it shall be granted! I moved from relatively sunny Chicago to hot as hell Texas in 2010 and learned the hard way about the unrelenting Texas sun. I drove my car here from a city where tinted windows are banned, to where in Dallas it’s a requirement. I was just wondering how I was going to better protect myself this summer, save living like a vampire and only venturing out after sundown. I too HATE sunscreen as even the ones that claim to be grease less rarely are. I will definitely look into a pair of these. Thanks for following me, I will return the gesture.

  43. boatacrosstheriver says:

    I wish my students would heed my words about protection from too much sun…they come in from the tanning beds looking leathery and ten years older than they are. Of course, that’s what they want, as high schoolers! It’s sad what we will do to appear “attractive” to others…

    Thanks for checking out my blog : )

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